
Talent hunt by Punjab University

LAHORE: Punjab University Career Counseling and Placement Center (CCPC) in collaboration with a fertilizer company organized Talent Hunt Recruitment Drive-Management Trainee (Engineers) 2022 for the graduates of the Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology.
Dean Faculty of Engineering Prof Dr. Abdullah Khan Durrani, Director ICET Prof Dr. Raffi Ullah Khan, Director CCPC Prof Dr. Abdul Qayyum Chaudhry, and students were present on the occasion.  Dr. Raffi Ullah Khan welcomed the recruitment team and spoke on the legacy of PU ICET.  16 graduates of ICET had been awarded Sitara-e-Imtiaz, including Vice-Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmad Akhter. He mentioned that the fertilizer, refinery, cement, and energy sectors were benefiting from ICET graduates and they were serving the nation. Prof Dr. Abdullah Khan Durrani highlighted the achievements of ICET and said that even during Covid-19, ICET had helped the government to cope with the pandemic. Dr. Abdul Qayyum said that the CCPC would do its best for maximizing job opportunities for the students of Punjab University.