English Speaking Union of Pakistan signs agreement with Queen Mary University of London

The English Speaking Union of Pakistan (ESUP) has entered into an agreement with the Queen Mary University of London, one of the oldest universities in the UK, to promote gender equality, public health, research, languages, arts and sciences.

In efforts to forge links with its affiliates worldwide, the ESUP had invited Vice President for International Affairs at Queen Mary Professor Colin Grant to Karachi, and an extensive programme had been planned by the union.

The professor will visit premier educational institutions in Karachi, call on government officials, meet with the British Deputy High Commissioner and British Council and address the ESUP members, Rotary Club of Karachi members and members of the diplomatic Corps of Karachi. A meeting is also planned with the Queen Mary alumni.

The ESU of the United Kingdom is a 100-year-old global organisation, that brings people of different countries and cultures together through the use of the English Language. The ESUP was formed as a local chapter in 1961, pursuing the aim and objectives of the ESU by fostering cultural links between people of different nationalities and promoting international friendship and understanding.

The Queen Mary University of London is committed to improving social justice and improving lives through academic excellence and has a longstanding commitment to Pakistan. The varsity has a longstanding commitment to Pakistan.