Digital Innovation in education


Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training endeavours to provide conducive environment for teaching and learning with focus on academic excellence, surging desire for knowledge, attitudinal change inculcating tolerance, unity, faith, discipline and compassion, developing a sense of purpose and high achievement with the vision for tomorrow.

Administration of 423 Federal Government educational institutions in ICT, providing educational services to over 220,000 students from prep to post-graduate level.

  • Human resource management of 9663 teaching and 4423 non -teaching staff/posts
    • Recruitment/transfer/posting/retirement/pension
    • In-service training /capacity building
  • Supervision & promotion of academic and co-curricular activities.
  • Planning & Development of new schemes / educational institutions
  • Financial management & audit of educational institutions.
  • Security of all educational institutions and FDE H/Q

Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), with the guidance and visionary leadership of Director General (EDU) to promote the use of Information Technology in FDE and Educational Institutions determined a high priority need for the monitoring and control over 423 educational institutions employees’ attendance, time response, productivity, performance, and profile management.  Lot of initiatives taken for convergence of enhance the FDE’s capability on decision support, and evaluation of an employee against the set key performance indicators. Some of them are as:

Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) and Biometric Attendance System

450 Face detection Attendance Machines have been installed in all educational institutions for real time monitoring of teaching and non-teaching staff. These machines have built in GPRS / 3G connectivity to real time transmission of attendance data to the servers. All staff members of institutions are now reaching in-time in institutions as they were not in previously, even in remote areas.

Data is the lifeline of every educational institution. Right from the student turnover rate to the financial records, every piece of data that is ever associated with the institute paves way for its development. The bigger the institution, the greater the volume of data, which makes it challenging to manage on paper or even with excel files.

Today, most of the higher education institutions are looking for an optimum distribution of resources and services to yield maximum benefits to students, teachers, and the management alike. In this world of ballooning educational demands, Educational Management Information System (EMIS) is just what these institutions need to propel their progress in the right direction.

Education Management Information System (EMIS) is specially designed to monitor the performance of education programs offered by the institutions and to manage the distribution and allocation of educational resources. Of course, in the field of education, EMIS has specific roles to help an educational institution grow. FDE developed its own HREMIS system that contains HR Management, Students Management, Institute Management, Education Census, Budget Management and Attendance Management System. All educational institutions are responsible to update data on daily basis that makes data as real time data.

Federal Minister, Federal Secretary, Director General (FDE), Directors (FDE) and Area Education Officers (AEOs) have their credentials to check and monitor that data.

Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras

IP based CCTV cameras in every Educational institution have been installed to monitor the security of institutors.  In the previous years Pakistan was front line of Terrorism. Educational institutions were soft target of terrorism so for protection of institutions CCTV cameras were installed that were linked with FDE control room. 

Out of School Children Attendance System

Free and Compulsory Education is being provided to all children of age group 5-16 years in ICT as per Article 25-A. Both public and private and public sector educational institutions offer pre-school education. As per ASER report, enrolment in ICT is 98%. There are some educational institutions imparting inclusive education. The provisions of basic education like pre-primary, primary, secondary and inclusive education are key features of above-mentioned plan. For Out of School Children (OOSC), a comprehensive strategy is being implemented so that maximum literacy is ensured.  In the end of 2018 Government assign task bring all OOSCs back to institutions to FDE. FDE was conducted surveys in ICT and discovered about 11,000 OOSCs in ICT age from 05 to 16 years. FDE enrolled 7,000 OOSCs in three phases and they are studying in FDE institutions. To sustain these children FDE developed OOSC attendance system.