RAWALPINDI, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan on Thursday said the uniform curriculum introduced by the Pakistan Tehrik Insaf (PTI) government would end the disparity between the rich and poor classes. He expressed these views while addressing a ceremony held in honour of position-holders of Master’s Degree Examinations, Punjab University at Government Post Graduate College, Asghar Mall. Baber said the single curriculum would not only curb the divide of mulla, mister and babu but would ensure a level playing field for everyone to excel. The Advisor said he was very pleased to visit his alma mater, adding Government College, Asghar Mall was his own, as his spirits were associated with the institution. I have nominated myself as the ambassador of Asghar Mall College and will make efforts to make it an exemplary institution,” he added. “Almost 41 years ago I studied from this place and it was a golden period of my life,” Babar vowed. The Advisor said he had written to the Federal Minister of Education to include the college in the National Heritage list as it was the oldest institution in the city. He asked the administration of the college to prepare a list of deserving students to provide them financial assistance through the Ehsas programme for scholarships.Awan said that the youth was the country’s “biggest asset” and the government would invest as much as it can to empower the young population. The martyrdom of Babri Masjid was proof that our ancestors had rightly struggled for the independence of Pakistan,” he added. The Advisor urged the students to play their role in Pakistan’s “intellectual revolution” and making it the country it was meant to be. He expressed optimism that the future of the country was safe and secure.