AJK President lauds scouts’ services

MUZAFFARABAD: Scouts never hesitate to serve during disastrous situations and help evacuate people by risking their lives.

The voluntarily services of scouts were acknowledged by President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry during the 3rd Scouts Training and Youth Program Conference.

President AJK said volunteers remain at the forefront for rescuing people in case of any emergency.

He highlighted the importance of scouting movements and added that the scouts in the region brave severe weather conditions and volatile situations on the line of control.

He urged the scouts to move forward with full dedication and passion and ensured government’s all-out support to the scouts and the scouting organisation.

“Azad Kashmir is the base camp of Kashmir’s liberation struggle and given the sensitivity of the region we should be ready to deal with any kind of emergency”, said the President AJK, adding scouts can play a vital role in dealing with such situations.