Deadlock between FDE employees and Government Employees

Islamabad: The Government and the Federal Government Education Joint Action Committee (FGEJAC)  employees of the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) held two rounds of talks here on Friday.

A spokesman of FGEJAC, however, said the talks were moving ahead positively but so far demands of the FDE employees were yet to be met. He said that during the meetings held before and after Friday prayers, the FGEJAC expressed serious reservations over clause 166 of the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Local Government Ordinance, 2021.

Special Assistance to Prime Minister Ali Nawaz Awan, Raja Khurram Nawaz MNA and others represented the government. The FGEJAC Chairman Fazal-e-Moula said the talks were held in a pleasant atmosphere. He said the third round of talks would be held on Monday, January 10, 2022.

The FGEJAC maintained that the FDE employees would not agree on anything less than deleting clause 166 of the ICT ordinance, which places them under the Islamabad Mayor.

Ali Nawaz Awan, however, said that the government would not withdraw clause 166 of the ICT Local Government Ordinance, 2021. The FGEJAC has already given a call to boycott classes at educational institutions from January 10, 2022 if their demands are not met.