
Education empowers people: Afridi

Islamabad: “Education empowers people to excel in life , achieve their goals and, contributes to national development”, said Adviser to the Prime Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Muhammad Ayub Afridi.

“Islam has laid great emphasis on education and it was our collective responsibility to equip children with the ornament of education, science, and technology to accelerate the pace of economic growth. It is our collective responsibility to equip children with education, especially scientific and technological knowledge and skills, to accelerate the pace of economic growth,” he said at the Inaugural Cremony of the newly constructed School of the Overseas Pakistan Foundation (OPF) here.

The PM’s aide said children were the future of Pakistan and it was collective responsibility as parents, teachers, and academia to focus on their character-building and career counseling imperative to explore their hidden talent besides enabling them to excel in their selected professions.

He said the government was promoting quality education, science, and technology for sustainable economic growth and development in the country.

Afridi said the government for the first time has constitutionally empowered overseas Pakistanis by giving them the right to vote through a landmark constitutional amendment passed by the incumbent government.