Edward college

Edwardes College Body meets today on Financial Issues

PESHAWAR: The Executive Committee of the historic Edwardes College Peshawar would meet today to discuss the sole matter of the minutes of the finance committee of the college, while the new principal is yet to be notified.

The executive committee is headed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Peshawar Humphry S Peters, while the principal of the college, a representative of the staff, secretary of the Higher Education Department, Secretary   Finance Department and two nominees of the Governor are members of the body.

However, the governor has not yet sent the names of his nominees, sources told us. The committee had been formed in a recent meeting of the Board of Governors of the college. Ideally, it should have met after the arrival of the new Principal whose appointment has already been approved by the Board in its January 4 meeting.

Dr. Sharoon Hanook has been named as the new Principal of the college. He currently serves as an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics FC College, Lahore (a chartered university).