
IBCC Launches QR Code-Based Attestation for Equivalency Certificates

The Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) has taken a significant leap forward by introducing QR code-based attestation for certificates in order to ensure increased security and authenticity.According to a statement released by the IBCC Secretary, Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah, the attestation process has been entirely digitized, resulting in better efficiency, accuracy, accessibility, and transparency.He added that this move has not only benefitted the organization but also facilitated the students.

Dr. Mallah went on to explain that the new attestation process would now feature a QR code-based ticket, which would be pasted on the certificates.

The QR code could be scanned using a smartphone or any other QR code reader application, thus making the attestation process faster, more efficient, and reducing costs for both the organization and the student.

He further added that the initiative would guarantee the authenticity of the attestation certificates issued by the IBCC, ensuring that they were tamper-proof and easily verifiable, accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Dr. Mallah noted that this move would also prevent fraud and forgery of educational documents.

With the QR code-based attestation certificates, Dr. Mallah emphasized that any individual or institution could easily verify the authenticity of the certificate and the qualifications of the certificate holder.

This, in turn, would ensure that only deserving and qualified candidates were selected for employment or higher education.