
Just the tip of the iceberg

Broadsheet is just the tip of the iceberg, Prime Minister Imran Khan said Wednesday in a series of tweets about the corruption of the elite in Pakistan and how it stands exposed.

The premier said the elite cannot hide behind the “victimisation” card when it comes to international revelations, making a reference to the Panama and Broadsheet scandals.

A day earlier, Information Minister Shibli Faraz had announced an inter-ministerial committee to investigate Broadsheet scandal.

The Panama papers exposed the corruption and money laundering of Pakistan’s ruling elite and now they have been exposed again after the Broadsheet revelations, PM Khan wrote on Twitter.

An interview of Broadsheet CEO Kaveh Moussavi has surfaced on YouTube in which he makes several claims regarding the firm’s investigation into the assets of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif held abroad.

The premier listed down four things the “revelations” exposed repeatedly.

The first, he said, was what he has been saying in his 24-year fight against corruption that it is the biggest threat to Pakistan’s progress

The second was that the elites come to power and plunder the country and third that they launder money to stash their ill-gotten gains abroad, safe from domestic prosecution.

Lastly, the premier said the elites then use their political clout to get NROs. “That is how they kept their plundered wealth safe. People of Pak are biggest losers,” PM Khan wrote.

“Not only is their nation’s wealth stolen by the elites, their taxpayer money, paid for recovering this wealth, is wasted because of NROs,” the PM said, adding that the Broadsheet revelation is just the tip of the iceberg.

“We want complete transparency from Broadsheet on our elites money laundering and on who stopped investigations,” he concluded.