
MoU signed to pilot learning app in six primary schools

Islamabad: As part of the government’s Digital Pakistan plans, the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training on Tuesday signed an MOU with a mobile network to pilot the ‘Taleemabad’ learning app in six primary government schools called Model Virtual Schools.
The Ceremony was held at the Education Ministry and was attended by Education Minister Shafqat Mehmood , mobile network CEO Irfan Wahab Khan and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Kamal Ahmad.

The mobile network will extend high-quality standardised digital education to the underserved students and schools through its award-winning EdTech platform, ‘Taleemabad’, which is the country’s first digital education platform based on the Single National Curriculum (SNC) and is endorsed by the Education Ministry.

At the pilot stage, the mobile network will be equipping six model virtual schools with basic IT hardware and digital learning management system for teachers, students and administration while also providing the tools and skills.

The development is part of a broad-based partnership to empower learners and educators through Taleemabad’s digital platform and ensure uninterrupted, uniform and affordable education.

The mobile network CEO said with over 23 million out-of-school children across the country, there was a need for innovation and introduction of sustainable solutions that enabled people through digitalisation and could stand the test of time.

“It is through interventions like ‘Taleemabad’ and collaborations like this that we aim to address the socioeconomic disparities affecting out-of-school children across the nation. We are pleased to join hands with the Education Ministry through the ‘Taleemabad’ app to bring online the Single National Curriculum and advance together towards the vision of digital Pakistan,” he said.

Irfan Wahab said his organisation was committed to reducing inequalities and would take digital learning to one million out-of-school children.