Project brings together Pakistani, European varsities

Islamabad: French ambassador Nicolas Galey has appreciated academic cooperation between Pakistani and European universities and said the B-International capacity building project for higher education sector in Pakistan, UK, France, Italy and Spain deserved to be celebrated.

“The B-International project will reinforce the Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission Vision 2025 on internationalisation through building capacity within the higher education sector, enhancing international collaboration, and supporting the development of global mind-sets of the youth,” the envoy told a reception here.

The B-International co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union brings together Pakistan’s COMSATS University (Islamabad), Lahore University of Management Sciences (Lahore), National University of Sciences and Technology (Rawalpindi) and Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design (Islamabad), and Europe’s Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK), Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Salamanca (Spain).

At the event, the British, Italian and Spanish envoys and the representatives of these universities, HEC and the European delegation were also in attendance.

The French ambassador said the international visit to Islamabad marked the first meeting of the B-International consortium members from both Europe and Pakistan.

He said connecting in person, peer to peer, faculty to faculty, institution to institution, would bolster the collaborative and capacity building efforts and ensure sustainable impact of the B-International project and the connections regarding higher education among Pakistan, UK, France, Italy and Spain.