RISC and PMB sign MoU for Cooperation

Islamabad: According to a press release, Roots International Schools, Colleges (RISC) and Pakistan Bait Ul Mal (PBM) joined hands to work collectively for the social development of marginalized segments of the society.

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Roots International Schools & Colleges and the Pakistan Bait Ul Maal (PBM) on setting down the terms for cooperation between the two institutions. It provides a framework within which all collaborative activities and projects will be undertaken between RISC and PBM.

Keeping in view the COVID situation, the Mou was signed in a  graceful ceremony by the heads of both the organizations, Walid Mushtaq CEO Roots International and Malik Zaheer Abbas Khokhar MD Pakistan Bait Ul Mal, at RISC Head Office, Islamabad.

The purpose of the MoU is to create a link between Social Services (Pakistan Bait ul Mal) and Academia (Roots International Schools and Colleges) to complement and support each other’s work for the betterment of the society.

In the light of MoU, RISC will provide its intellect, research and resources to Pakistan Bait Ul Mal (PBM) to equip and build the capacity of their teaching staff in a variety of different disciplines.  RISC faculty and students will volunteer  to support the noble cause of PBM nationwide. PBM will arrange the visit of RISC students to its facilities and will offer internships to the students of Metropolitan International United College (MIUC).

MD Bait Ul Mal Malik Zaheer Khokhar thanked RSCl for joining  PBM in their social welfare activities . He said this is the first PBM joins  a private institute for mutual collaborations. He affirmed that with this public private partnership, both organizations will serve the needs of the  community. He hoped that with the expertise of RISC and its huge network, students will help PBM in reaching out to the masses nationwide.

CEO of RISC Walid Mushtaq applauded the efforts of PBM in supporting and helping the  society. He assured  full support of RISC  to PBM initiatives. He said it will be a great honor for RISC students and faculty to be the part of this cause. He said it is a memorable  occasion for both to set new goals and ambitions for the social welfare of the deprived  in society.