Service in Islamabad

Severe Fuel Shortage Stops Free Bus Service in Islamabad Govt Schools

Multiple government school buses operating in Islamabad have been forced to cease operations due to a crippling lack of funds for purchasing fuel. This sudden suspension has left students across the city facing significant hardships as they grapple with the absence of vital bus services provided by various educational institutions.

The affected buses, affiliated with several schools and colleges abruptly halted their services starting this past Tuesday, citing an acute shortage of funds required for procuring diesel. Consequently, students who rely on these buses as their primary mode of transportation find themselves without a crucial means of getting to school.

Reports reveal that the college principals had persistently requested financial support from the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) to sustain the transportation services, but their appeals seemingly fell on deaf ears. As a result, the dire shortage of funding has now culminated in the suspension of bus services, leaving both students and parents in a state of distress.

Desperate parents have issued an appeal to the Minister of Education, urging immediate intervention to reinstate the essential transport facility. Meanwhile, efforts are underway to obtain the perspective of the FDE on this concerning matter, as the community anxiously awaits a resolution to the crisis.

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