
Students demands to CM for regular classes

Karachi: A group of Karachi University students wrote to Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Monday, asking him to ensure regular classes at the varsity, as the ongoing boycott of classes by the Karachi University Teachers Society (KUTS) entered the seventh day.

On February 1, the KUTS announced a boycott of classes after the Sindh Universities and Boards Department’s Secretary declared the Selection Board for the appointment of professors in three departments of the varsity null and void.

The teachers’ body says it will continue its protest until the secretary withdraws his notification of the cancellation of the Selection Board, whereas the Secretary is insisting that teachers should seek permission from the Provincial Government for the process of appointments of professors.

However, in this tug of war, students have been suffering as they come to the Varsity every day but find no teachers. Frustrated at the situation, a group of students wrote a letter to the Chief Minister on Monday, requesting him to take interest in the affairs of the Varsity and ensure regular classes. The students circulated the letter on social media.

According to the letter, “We, the students of Karachi University, request that we have secured admission in Karachi University to improve our future. For this, not only the students have worked hard but our parents have compromised on essential needs in paying. The effort was to ensure a bright future. But unfortunately, no classes have been held since the varsity resumed operations after a long break.”

They said that at first, the Covid-19  became a hurdle in attending on-campus classes, and now the teachers’ protest was disrupting their studies, while the varsity was almost academically paralyzed.

Addressing the CM, the students said: “On your orders, educational institutions were reopened. Also, the KU completed the admission process and a new academic year but as we stepped into the varsity, we found empty classrooms. It was not that varsity in which we and our parents were hoping to join.”

They further said, “The classes had not even started when suddenly the teachers of Karachi University started protesting for the approval of their most modest and contemptible demands. We certainly want a solution to these everyday problems being raised by the teachers. We were not at all surprised when we saw the protests organized by the KUTS.

“And that’s not all. The protests escalated to the point where the teachers boycotted classes. The boycott was later extended indefinitely. The university was closed down and the teachers went on strike. The teachers have gone below level of factory employees and turning Teachers Society into a low-grade trade union.”

The students have already suffered tremendous academic losses due to the teachers’ protest,  lack of political instability, and Covid-19. The students appealed to the CM to take immediate action and resolve the issue at the earliest. Meanwhile, the Peoples Students Federation, in a statement, condemned the boycott of classes by teachers at Karachi University.