Mathematics is present in every aspect of our lives

The connection that every aspect of life has with mathematics is often ignored. To highlight this connection, the Aga Khan University’s Institute of Educational Development (AKU-IED) in Pakistan held a two-day conference titled ‘Mathematics Unites: Connecting, Disciplines, Cultures, and Communities’. The conference featured speakers from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, representing India, Malaysia, Nepal, Spain […]

Conference sheds light on the growing crisis of Out-of-School-Children

“Out-of-school children require out-of-the-box thinking from us,” was the takeaway from a conference titled The Out-of-School Children (OOSC) Crisis in Pakistan: Who are they? What can be done to secure their future? Organized through collaborative efforts between Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) and Japan International Cooperation Agency- Advancing Quality Alternative Learning (JICA-AQAL) […]