KPK, 39% of children are out of school, the number has crossed 4 million

PESHAWAR: Thirty-nine per cent of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s 11.7 million children in the 5-16 age bracket are out of school, reveals a recent Benazir Income Support Programme survey. Of them, one million live in the merged tribal districts. According to the survey, which was carried out as part of the BISP’s National Socio-Economic Registry census with […]

Conference sheds light on the growing crisis of Out-of-School-Children

“Out-of-school children require out-of-the-box thinking from us,” was the takeaway from a conference titled The Out-of-School Children (OOSC) Crisis in Pakistan: Who are they? What can be done to secure their future? Organized through collaborative efforts between Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) and Japan International Cooperation Agency- Advancing Quality Alternative Learning (JICA-AQAL) […]