Rethinking nature of philosophy in Islamic tradition

The Habib University (HU) on Tuesday held a session on the nature of philosophical discourse in the Islamic tradition with the University of Exeter’s Prof Sajjad Rizvi. The session, titled ‘Global Philosophy, Intellectual History, and Askesis: What is Philosophy in the Islamic Traditions?’ was moderated by Noman Naqvi, HU comparative humanities associate professor. Rizvi, a […]

Girls clinch top positions in 2019-2020 MA private exams

The University of Karachi on Tuesday announced the results of MA final year Private Islamic Studies, Mathematics, Philosophy and Arabic Annual Examinations for 2019-2020, with all top positions going to female students. However, all candidates who appeared in Arabic exams were declared unsuccessful. According to Controller Examination Dr Syed Zafar Hussain, the results of MA […]