GCU Lahore

Thesis Display at GCU Lahore

Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr. Asghar Zaidi on Friday inaugurated a display of theses by the students of the Fine Arts Department. These were creative promotional campaigns for food, clothing and jewelry as well as social issues as semester thesis.  19 students of Bachelor in Fine Arts (Hons) displayed their projects comprising promotional material with posters, mobile applications, calendars, pamphlets, press electronic media advertisements, and social media pages for promotion of their brands as well as awareness on social issues.

GCU Fine Arts Department Chairperson Prof Dr. Erfan Ullah Babar was present.

Minhal Saeed, a final year student, designed sensor-based illuminated posters for a famous jewelry brand; illustrations of jewelry on posters illuminate as a viewer walks towards them. Other students went for different creative promotional campaigns. The campaign on social issues, including “face mask” by Farhia and “protection of wildlife” by Mahum Tahir also were highlights of the exhibition. Prof Zaidi visited all the stalls and discussed the aesthetic and scope of the projects. He emphasized on campaigns for awareness about different societal issues. Well-created advertisements grab attention, remaining in memory for long and that is precisely what many of these social problems need.s. The professionals from different national and multinational companies would visit the exhibition.